Literature in English is the study of works written in the English language. It includes all forms of writing, such as novels, plays, short stories, and poetry. This subject involves exploring and analyzing these texts to understand their themes and meanings.
'Oshor:...Winds howl forth-howl forth,
Hold back hold back-is the time- oh
Endless time-slung in oblivion,
Make minced meat of your prey.'
Charity Angya, The Cycle of the Moon.
The literary device used is
Options:This question is based on Literary Principles
Where has my love blow his horn?
The tune of his horn is well-known
Young men of my clan
Have you heard the horn of my love?
Okot P'Bitek: Horn of My Love
The overriding feeling of the persona in this extract is
Options:This question is based on Literary Appreciation
'My brother you flash your teeth in response to every hypocrisy.
My brother with gold-rimmed glasses You give your master a blue-eyed faithful look.
My poor brother in immaculate evening dress
Screaming and whispering and pleading in the parlours of condescension'.
Diop: The Renegade
The poet's attitude here is
Options:This question is based on George Orwell's Animal Farm,
In the novel, 'animalism' is a system of thought that emphasizes
Options:"The officer, surrounded by these noises,
Was moved and a little embarrassed.He turned away
To give them time to pull themselves together, and
Waited, allowing his eyes to rest on the trim cruiser
In the distance."Based on the novel Piggy's,in the above passage,Golding focuses on the
Options:This question is based on Thomas Hardy's The Mayor of Casterbridge.
Mrs. Newson refuses to reward the furmity seller for disclosing the whereabout of Henchard because she
Options:This question is based on General Literary Principles.
A form of symbolism in which ideas or abstract qualities are represented in a poem is an