Literature in English is the study of works written in the English language. It includes all forms of writing, such as novels, plays, short stories, and poetry. This subject involves exploring and analyzing these texts to understand their themes and meanings.
Question 1:
'She unpacked the novels she has brought with her, and turned them over. These were the books she had collected over years from the mass that had come her way. She had read each one a dozen times, knowing it by heart, following the familiar tales as a child listens to his mother telling him a well-known fairy tale'.
This character may best be described as a woman
A) of habit
B) of poor means
C) of wide literary interest
D) with poor memory
E) who loved her mother
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The correct answer is C .
Question 2:
This question is based on Oliver Goldsmith's She Stoops to Conquer.
X: I am told he's a man of an excellent understanding
Y: Is he?
X: Very generous.
Y: I believe I shall like him.
X: Young and brave.
Y: I'm sure I shall like him.
X: And very handsome.
Y:....,I'll have him.
Who are the speakers X and Y and about whom are they speaking ?
A) Neville and Kate about Hastings
B) Kate and her mother about Marlow
C) Miss Hardcastle and Mr. Hardcastle about Tony
D) Mr. Hardcastle and Kate about Marlow
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The correct answer is D .
Question 3: 'Assonance' is the product of a poet's use of
A) masculine ryhme
B) many consonant
C) regular ryhme
D) similar sounding vowels
E) imaginative metaphors.
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The correct answer is E .
Question 4: This question is based on Buchi Emecheta's The Joys of Motherhood
''look at me jubilant for being given another opportunity to live longer, and see this foolish woman eager to end her own life when her maker is not yet ready for her...''
The opportunity referred to in the extract above is
A) the misunderstanding between Nnaife and his wife
B) narrowly escaping being knocked down
C) the driver's encounter with Nnu Ego
D) ominous visit of Agunwa
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The correct answer is B .
Question 5: This question is based on Charles Dicken's Great Expectations.
A play is called a comedy when
A) there is peaceful atmosphere and laughter in it
B) nobody dies in it
C) there is no serious quarrel in it
D) there is a happy resolution of contradictions
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The correct answer is D .
Question 6: A short emphatic, witty saying, often involving antithesis or paradox is an
A) epithet
B) epigram
C) invective
D) impression
E) analogy
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The correct answer is B .
Question 7:
This question is based on Selected Poems from Johnson, al (eds.): New Poetry from African (ed); Poems of Black Africa; Senanu, K.E. and Vincent, T.(ed): A Selection of African Poetry; Adeoti, G: Naked Soles; Hayward, J. (ed); The Penguin Book of English Verse and Nwoga, D. (ed): West African Verse.'awaiting in ambush'
Ambush in the line above from Adeoti's Ambush symbolises
A) exploit
B) frustration
C) danger
D) pain
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The correct answer is C .
Question 8: Who persuades Caesar to disregard Calpurnia's appeal?
A) Decius Brutus
B) Lucius
C) Cassius
D) Portia
E) Octavius.
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The correct answer is A .
Question 9:
This question is based on Literary Appreciation
'I am alone
And the murmur of my lips
Carry song and tears homewards
From a plain away from home
Okogbule Wonodi: Lament for Shola
The poet-persona here expresses a feeling of
A) elation
B) anger
C) nostaglgia
D) sorrow
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The correct answer is C .
Question 10:
Baba Fakunle: How much did he give you boy?
Boy: Ten cowries, Baba.
Baba Fakunle: Hand him back nine.
The order to return nine cowries was given by Baba Fakunle because he
A) wanted to spit the King by taking only one cowrie
B) felt insulted that he was given only ten cowries
C) did not want to meddle with leprous monry given with bloody hands
D) wanted to emphasize that the messanger of Olodumare takes only one cowrie.
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The correct answer is D .