English is the study of the English language. The goal is to improve communication skills by practicing listening, speaking, reading, writing, and understanding language rules like pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar.
In the question below choose the option nearest in meaning to the underlined word or phrase:
My spell in the university was an unmitigated disaster
Options:The word in capital letters has the emphatic stress. Choose the option to which the given sentence relates.
The POLICE arrested the suspect.
Options:Complete each of the following sentences by choosing the option that most suitably fills the space;
Before the operation, the dentist found that his patient's teeth _____
Options:Choose the option that best completes the gap(s).
I am not sure that all _____ well with John.
Options:In the question below choose the word(s) or phrase(s) which best fills(s) the gap(s):
When we got to the president's house, we were told that he _____ two days earlier
Options:In the question below choose the most appropriate option opposite in meaning to the word(s) underlined:
The decision we have taken is irrevocable
Options:The evidence given so far demonstrates that a nuclear exchange in the Northern Hemisphere would have an unavoidable global aftermath making the continued existence of mankind impossible anywhere. It is also very improbable that a nuclear exchange would be confined exclusively to the vicinity of the industrialized developments indicate that a nuclear disaster would be carried into the territories of the developing countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. These developments include the preparations being made by aggressive forces for the armed seizure of the Middle East oil fields, the nuclear missile deployment in the south of Western Europe, the establishment of military bases for the rapid deployment of forces in North Africa and the Indian Ocean and the tensions in the south Atlantic and the Caribbean.
'Aggressive' in the passage means Options:Select the option that best explains the information conveyed in the sentence.
The mills of God grind slowly, but the grind exceedingly small?
Options:From the list of words or group of wordslettered A to D, choose the one that is mostnearest opposite in meaning to the underlined word or group of words and that will, at the same time correctly fill in the gap in the sentence.
The Major demanded an unalloyed and not a __________ loyalty from his soldiers