Economics is the study of how societies allocate limited resources to meet the unlimited needs and wants of individuals. It focuses on the production of goods and services, economic growth, and various complex issues that are important to society.
Question 1211: Economics is regarded as a social science because it?
A) adopts the scientific method in production
B) is an agent of socialization
C) adopts the scientific method in the study of human behaviour
D) adopts the scientific method with social problems
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The correct answer is C .
Question 1212: External finance for a limited liability company is mainly sourced through?
A) the leasing equipment
B) the issuing of shares
C) trade credits
D) banks loans
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The correct answer is A .
Question 1213: The value of money depends primarily on?
A) the gold backing of the currency
B) the gold backing of both currency and deposit
C) the general price level
D) government decree that it is legal tender
E) none of the above
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The correct answer is C .
Question 1214: The Economic Commission for Africa was set up by the?
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The correct answer is A .
Question 1215: A tax that takes an increasing fraction of income as income goes down is called?
A) conditional
B) regressive
C) progressive
D) proportional
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The correct answer is B .
Question 1216: One of the major advantages of specialization is that?
A) the worker becomes a tenderer of machines
B) it causes more employment of labour
C) less machinery is required for production
D) the worker wastes less time between operations
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The correct answer is D .
Question 1217:

Consider the diagram below which shows a demand curve (d).
Total expenditure on a commodity is represented by the area TUVW. Consumer's surplus is represented by___________
A) The area VWX
B) The area XTUV
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The correct answer is A .
Question 1218:
40 men were employed in a farm, and they produced an average of 30 tonnes of cassava per person. Calculate the total product.
A) 1,300 tonnes
B) 1,100 tonnes
C) 1,200 tonnes
D) 1,400 tonnes
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The correct answer is C .
Question 1219: An advantage of the sole proprietorship over the partnership from of business organisation is that
A) its existence is limited by an individual's life span
B) it relies on the decision of friends to succeed
C) the possibility of conflict in management is virtually non-existent
D) it enjoys limited liability for debt in the event of failure
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The correct answer is C .
Question 1220: Which of the following assets of the commercial bank does not yield revenue?
A) Money in the tills of the bank
B) money at call
C) Treasury certificates
D) Treasury bills
E) Bills of exchange
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The correct answer is A .