Biology is the study of life and living things. It can be divided into different areas that look at the structure, function, anatomy, and behavior of organisms.
Question 11: Which of these is not an enzyme?
A) Pepsin
B) Gastrin
C) Amylase
D) Chymotrypsin
E) Trypsin
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The correct answer is B .
Question 12: An insect with a mandibulate mouth part will obtain its food by
A) biting and chewing
B) chewing and sucking
C) chewing
D) sucking
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The correct answer is A .
Question 13: insectivorous plants traps and kill their prey to derive
A) phosphorous
B) calcium
C) nitrogen
D) zinc
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The correct answer is C .
Question 14:
A pollutant that is mostly associated with acid rain is
A) Nitrogen (IV) oxide
B) Ozone
C) Flourine
D) Carbony (IV) oxide
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The correct answer is A .
Question 15:
Blood circulation in a mammal is said to be double because?
A) it passes twice through the heart in a complete circuit
B) it moves in both arteries and veins
C) it circulates in both the heart and other organs
D) the heart contains auricles and ventricles
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The correct answer is A .
Question 16: In Nigeria, the guinea savanna belt borders the
A) mangrove swamps and the sahel savanna
B) rainforests and the sudan savanna
C) desert and the sudan savanna
D) rainforests and the deserts
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The correct answer is B .
Question 17:
A boy who is fond of swimming in a pond finds himself passing urine with traces of blood. He is likely to have contracted
A) schistosomiasis
B) onchocerciasis
C) poliomyelitis
D) salmonellosis
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The correct answer is A .
Question 18:
Aged erythrocytes are destroyed in the?
A) pancreas
B) liver
C) lymph nodes
D) kidney
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The correct answer is B .
Question 19: One advantage of variation in a species population is that individuals
A) with favoured traits become dominant
B) easily reach their reproductive age
C) are easily recognised by mates
D) are better adapted to changes
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The correct answer is A .
Question 20: The barrier between maternal and foetal blood is the
A) placenta
B) liver
C) umbilical chord
D) uterine wall
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The correct answer is A .